What is an Arduino?
Arduino is an
open-source platform used for building electronics projects. It’s like as micro
controller. It has programmable circuit board and software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the
physical board.
Why Arduino?
In before, I had told you Arduino Is like Micro Controller. So,
when we are using Micro controllers for our projects, we should face lot of difficulties.
Like pin addressing, programming, etc. so avoid this difficulty, one of team
was found this system called Arduino. It’s easy to program and easy to develop what
we want to do with lot of sensors like moisture, IR, Ultrasonic etc.
Types of Arduino
There are lot of Arduino Boards.
Arduino Nano
Arduino Mini
Arduino uno
Arduino Mega
Arduino Software IDE.
The Arduino software IDE is use for code and compile your Arduino program. Its Easy to use. If you are familiar with Net-beans IDE or Visual Studio You can Download plugins From There Plugins Stores.
I think, Now You have Basic knowledge about Arduino . In next post I will teach you pin connections and sensors what we are using Arduino.
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